The Electromagnetic Laser Acupuncture Pen by British Bodega
Acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine and therapeutic approach that has existed for centuries and remains the oldest and most sought-after form of pain management and treatment. Acupuncture involves inserting several needles into the skin(puncturing) at precise points referred to as acupoints- (muscles, connecting tissue(s) and nerves) with the aim of balancing energy flows in the body and relieving acute pain.
How does Laser Acupuncture work?
Unlike traditional acupuncture, laser acupuncture works by emitting low energy lasers that penetrate the skin stimulating the blood and activating the endorphins in the body. Endorphins are hormones naturally produced by our bodies, responsible for helping us cope with pain, and act as stress relievers. Once the laser energy hits the target acupoints, the energy is absorbed which in turn facilitates the healing of cells, pain relief, and management. Today laser acupuncture is widely used, preferred and often the recommended choice of acute inflammatory and neuropathic pain relief and treatment.
How does the Electromagnetic Laser Acupuncture Pen work?
Over the past three decades, laser treatment and therapy have become increasingly popular and the invention of laser pens has only escalated the use of laser acupuncture treatment. The "Electromagnetic Laser Acupuncture Pen" by British Bodega uses low-intensity electromagnetic waves and low energy lasers to stimulate the acupuncture points and myofascial trigger points and as a result relieving pain, tension, and discomfort.
What are the features of the Electromagnetic Laser Acupuncture Pen by British Bodega?
The electromagnetic laser acupuncture pen by British Bodega is fully functional for multiple uses, it can be used on the waist, neck, face, back, joints, shoulders, etc. It is also recommended for use in helping manage other ailments such as migraines, arthritis, joint pains and can also be incorporated into your skin care and pedicure regimen.
The electromagnetic laser acupuncture pen by British Bodega is portable, handheld, very simple and straightforward to use thus proving very convenient for the consumer. The Electromagnetic laser pen by British Bodega operates on high-efficiency low consumption lithium insert batteries. So, you never have to constantly worry about charging outlets or having a helping hand available to assist you.
Unlike other laser acupuncture pens, the electromagnetic laser pen by British Bodega boasts of high quality as it is fitted with a built-in computer chip for high performance. In addition, it is equipped with electromagnetic energy lasers with amplitude capabilities of penetrating the skin muscles up to 5 centimeters.
It also comes with five heads; a node point massager, spheroidal head, a facial massage, a scrapper and acupuncture tapping massager all in one machine. As well as nine levels of intensity to choose from.